

I have taught University modules in

  • Writing for the Screen (Film, Television, etc.)
  • Internet Technologies
  • Programming for the Web


I have also given workshops and presentations on Narrative, Web-editing and Internet Broadcasting, among other subjects.



I have a strong background in:

•    XML (including XSL, TEI, EAD, etc.)
•    PHP
•    Drupal
•    PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQL/Oracle and other databases
•    Javascript/JSON/Jquery
•    Metadata Standards
•    SOLR
•    Linked Open Data
•    UNIX/Apache


but I also have knowledge of Ruby, Blacklight,Hydra, Fedora, Repox, Git, Photoshop, Perl, Python, Vue.js, IIPimage Server, AJAX, SSI, SSL, .htaccess, Java, Visual Basic, Online Security. Such experience has put me at the cutting edge of Digital Humanities development.